Riddu Riđđu Festivála was one of the first festivals in Norway to become Eco-Lighthouse-certified (in 2004). Eco- Lighthouse is Norway's most used certificate for businesses that will document their environmental efforts and show social responsibility. We want to become Norway's leading festival on environmental measures - and we hope you will help us with this when you visit us.
We want to show social responsibility by being aware of the festival's influence on people, community and environment. Every year we improve our sorting grade of festival waste and we buy more environmentally certified goods.
The audience is encouraged to sort their waste at the festivalarea and to use public transport to and from the festival. The audience can buy bamboo thermal cups in our Riddu Buvda. This cup provides free coffee throughout the festival. This is done to avoid the use of large amounts of disposable cups. We do not sell bottled water, we have clean, free water in all our water stations. Fill up your own bottle or buy a Riddu Riđđu beverage bottle in our Riddu Buvda!
We do not sell Coca-Cola at the festival. This is a deliberate choice to point out the Coca-Cola Company's water privatization process which is a threat to Indigenous People's access to clean drinking water. The audience is served food in bowls made of palm leaves and cutlery that is 100% compostable. Eco-friendly T-shirts and hoodies are for sale in the Riddu Buvda.
The number of printed festivalposters are reduced this year. We have info signs that we use every year, and we avoid printing paper. We have also created an equipment bank to prevent expensive and important equipment from disappearing. Good planning of the transport of artists and guests means that fewer trips are made Tromsø-Manndalen.
The festival has a good cooperation with Avfallsservice AS, which contributes with expertise in relation to waste management during and after the festival. In addition, Riddu Riđđu is a member of Visit Lyngenfjord which is certified as a sustainable destination. Read more here.