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Felgen Orkester and Solju are confirmed to Riddu Riđđu 2018

The Karasjok band Felgen Orkester and Solju from the Finnish side of Sápmi has been confirmed this summer's Riddu…

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Are you our young artist of the year?

In collaboration with SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge´s Cultural Foundation, Riddu Riđđu Festival grants a scholarship 25 …

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Circumpolar launch during TIFF.

Hip hop from the circumpolar area is on the program both during TIFF and during Riddu RiđđuThis summer Riddu Riđđu will…

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Amanda Delara to Riddu Riđđu 2018

Amanda Delara is one of the most exciting new artists to surface this year. Raised in small-town Nes in Norway she…

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Riddu Riđđu Festivála, Center for Northern people, NO-9144 Samuelsberg, Norway


+ 47 971 39493



Booking requests: booking@riddu.no*All program/booking inquiries to Riddu Riđđu 2023 should contain LIVE-videos and information regarding indigenous perspectives.


Designed and developed by: Ramsalt