Joins forces to create a sustainable festival
Vårt Hav Troms og Finnmark/Naturvernforbundet in Troms og Finnmark with support from the Center against Marine Litter announces collaboration with Riddu Riđđu, Europe's largest indigenous festival. Vårt Hav. is a project within the Nature Conservation Association in Troms and Finnmark that works against marine litter, and organizes voluntary beach clean-ups throughout the county. Vårt Hav will now help the festival in its environmental work.
What lands on the ground ends up in the sea!
Ballot bins are snipe boxes with a humorous touch, and this summer Vårt Hav will set up several ballot bins on the festival grounds in Olmmáivággi; It will be a breeze to throw snuff and snuff where they belong - in the bin! Vårt Hav also invites the Riddu audience with them to the shore to clean the shorelines during the festival.
Eco-Lighthouse sheds light on marine litter
Riddu Riđđu was one of the first festivals in Norway to be certified as an Eco-Lighthouse (2004), and has repeatedly collaborated with climate organizations on the environmental work at the festival. The Nature Conservation Association in Troms and Riddu Riđđu have previously collaborated in 2019, where they focused on the natural basis for Sea Sámi culture. This year, the collaboration will focus on marine litter and plastic.
Festival manager in Riddu Riđđu, Sajje Solbakk, has hopes for the cooperation with Vårt Hav:
In the Sámi way of thinking and living, closeness to nature is central. As a cultural organizer in Sápmi, we are concerned with safeguarding the environment - locally and internationally, both to limit our climate footprint and to safeguard the people around us. We must be proactive and innovative! Vårt Hav is an exciting partner, and we believe the public will be as inspired by their environmental work as we are, says the festival director.
The festival audience at Riddu Riđđu has a reputation for being an environmentally conscious bunch, and this year's festival-goers can expect good conversations about plastic and marine litter with representatives from Vårt Hav at this year's festival in Olmmáivággi. The festival has a program for the whole family, and it is free for the public to camp at the festival's two tent camps.