Urfilm shorts: part 1
"Eadni juoiggastivččet go" (2020)
My film story is about my mother - why did her yoiking go quiet. Our little sister, Ánne Májjá died when she was only 7 years old, in a terrible bus accident 20 years ago. Since then I have not heard my mother yoik our late sister, that day her yoiking joy died too. I try to find answers to the quiet that remains after our relatives pass away and why my mother became silent.
Director: Máret Inger Aslaksdatter Anti
(15 min.)
"Kor e mine čorva?" (2020)
I have heard my uncle’s stories since childhood, and one of his many stories inspired me to document.
The story is from my uncle’s childhood, when he was sent to Hammerfest hospital as a child, all alone, and had to stay there for four months. The result is that he switches his language from Sámi to Norwegian.
This is a current documentary as it is about Norwegianisation.
Director: Máret Inger Aslaksdatter Anti
(17 min.)
"Mii" (2020)
This short documentary shows the love between generations. The film is about how a family solves a dramatic situation together and how luohti solves problems. The young doctor Máret Lájlá Nedrejord tries to help her grandmother and grandfather. She uses her traditional knowledge to strengthen her grandparents soul and their mental well-being. Her grandmother Johanas-Elle has had two strokes and lost the ability to speak. Her grandfather Káre-Máhtte has dementia and often reminisces about the time when he was the top reindeer herder. The film shows the power of luohti and how memories resurface.
Director: Máret Inger Aslaksdatter Anti
(20 min.)
"Dissociate" (2021)
Dissociate is an experimental narrative about an Indigenous soul trying to cope with and survive in the colonial world.
Director: Sunna Nousuniemi / Niillasaš Jovnna Máreha Juhani Sunná Máret
4 min.
The film screening lasts for 56 min.
The films are screened in the Nisga’a longhouse. This year pre-booking is necessary. Pre-booking is possible from Monday July 12th. Those who have bought festival tickets will get information about this via e-mail.